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卵油蛋黃油 健康是最好的禮物eggoil蛋黃油 https://www.nectw721.com: 台版米蘭達的創業&職場筆記: 創業必修課:學習割捨──讓不合適的人離開,就算要「砍掉重練」也值得


台版米蘭達的創業&職場筆記: 創業必修課:學習割捨──讓不合適的人離開,就算要「砍掉重練」也值得

台版米蘭達的創業&職場筆記: 創業必修課:學習割捨──讓不合適的人離開,就算要「砍掉重練」也值得:  " Please consider this email as my resignation…my last day will be…" 剛過完週末假期,用手機快速瀏覽著數十封過去幾個小時收到的電子郵件,其中有一封以「 resignation 」為標題的郵...


FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) { statusChangeCallback(response); }); { status: 'connected', authResponse: { accessToken: '{access-token}', expiresIn:'{unix-timestamp}', reauthorize_required_in:'{seconds-until-token-expires}', signedRequest:'{signed-parameter}', userID:'{user-id}' } } FB.login(function(response){ // handle the response }); FB.login(function(response) { // handle the response }, {scope: 'public_profile,email'}); FB.login(function(response) { if (response.status === 'connected') { // Logged into your webpage and Facebook. } else { // The person is not logged into your webpage or we are unable to tell. } }); FB.logout(function(response) { // Person is now logged out });